Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh


Dominant Color



Dominant Color



Dominant Color


These are the top thirty Google image results for "Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh" (of the actual painting). These represent the most viewed reproductions — the ones that are shaping our image of what this painting looks like.

Is the painting more blue, green, or purple in your mind? The clustering on the right provides a histogram-style layout of these images, so you can see which variations are the most common.

Explore other paintings

You can also explore these four other well-known paintings to see how different color pallets and styles translate into the digital world. Select a painting below to explore, or use the small icons up top.

Hope II
Gustav Klimt

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Pablo Picasso

Three Women
Ferndand Leger

The Persistence of Memory
Salvadore Dali

Curious what
they actually look?

Amazingly, all five of these paintings are in the same place:
the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
In one trip, you can see them all.